Exercises, Journal Prompts and Affirmations for Creativity

Some of you may not know this, but I work as a freelance health and nutrition writer (I’m a dietitian by trade, but I’ve been freelance writing for almost two years now). While I love to write, maintaining a steady stream of creativity can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Sometimes, I stare at the computer screen for what feels like hours, only to end up with a blank page at the end of my writing session.


Fortunately, you can incorporate countless techniques and practices into your daily routine to reignite your creativity. Here are 15 of my favorite methods for getting the creative juices flowing, 20 journal prompts, and 30 affirmations for creativity. Let’s dive in!


15 Methods for Getting the Creative Juices Flowing

As someone who deals with hypomania, I sometimes have periods of extreme creativity and motivation to work on my hobbies. However, as anyone with bipolar disorder knows, the enhanced creativity that often accompanies mania or hypomania usually comes with a steep price.


Now that I’m on an effective medication regimen, I no longer feel the extreme creativity and drive I used to get when I was hypomanic. Despite losing occasional extreme creativity, I’m happy I no longer experience those episodes. There are plenty of other things I can do to spark my creativity that don’t involve a compromised mental state – here are 15 of them.


Mindfulness Meditation

Take a few moments each day to quiet your mind through mindfulness meditation. Focus on your breath, observe your thoughts without judgment, and create space for new ideas to surface.


If you’re new to meditation, start with a five-minute meditation. As you become more accustomed to meditation, you can increase the duration. I like using the Peloton app for guided meditations, but you can also use free apps like Insight Timer to guide you.


Morning Pages

Start your day by writing three pages of stream-of-consciousness thoughts, feelings, and observations. This practice, which was made popular by Julia Cameron in “The Artist’s Way” helps clear mental clutter and uncover hidden insights. If three pages feels like too much, start with one page and work your way up to three pages with practice.


Visual Inspiration

Surround yourself with visual stimuli that inspire you. Create a vision board with images, quotes, and colors that resonate with your creative vision. You can create a physical or digital vision board – whatever sparks your creativity. I also like creating Pinterest boards for inspiration.


Change of Scenery

Break out of your routine by exploring new environments. Visit a museum, take a hike in nature, or stroll through different neighborhoods. Changing your surroundings can stimulate fresh ideas and perspectives. I like to take a five to ten minute walk around the block to give my mind a break and refresh myself.



Seek out collaboration opportunities with fellow creatives. Brainstorming with others can spark new connections and fuel creative partnerships that wouldn’t have been possible alone. For example, I am co-authoring a book with one of my clients. I NEVER would have pursued this alone, but having a partner in crime gives me the motivation to work on it. Plus, we meet weekly to discuss our progress and share new ideas, which keeps the creativity flowing.


Creative Exercises

Engage in exercises designed to spur creativity, such as brainstorming, word association games, or visual prompts. Set a timer and challenge yourself to generate as many ideas as possible within a limited time frame.


Immerse Yourself in Art

Immerse yourself in various forms of art, whether it’s attending a live performance, visiting an art gallery, or listening to music. Exposing yourself to different creative expressions can broaden your perspective and inspire fresh ideas. My favorite art forms to take in are ballet and theatre performances.


Free Writing

Set time aside for free writing sessions where you write without inhibition or self-criticism. Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page, allowing unexpected connections and insights to emerge.


This is my favorite exercise because it lets me quickly get my thoughts down. My biggest piece of advice is DON’T try to edit as you’re free writing. Just write as much as you can about the topic you’re writing about and worry about the editing later. I like to call this my SFD (shitty first draft). It works like a charm!


Sensory Exploration

Engage your senses through sensory exploration. Notice the sights, sounds smells, tastes, and textures around you. Paying attention to sensory details can unlock new avenues of creativity. Two of my favorite sensory activities are diffusing essential oils and listening to electronic music that has no lyrics.



Embrace a spirit of experimentation and playfulness in your creative process. Try new techniques, materials, or mediums without worrying about the end result. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them.


Silence and Solitude

Create moments of silence and solitude to quiet the noise of everyday life. Disconnect from distractions, turn off electronic devices, and give yourself the space to listen to your inner voice. I find this exercise quite challenging because my inner voice always thinks of ten different things at once, and I often distract myself by mindlessly scrolling on social media. One of my goals for the year is to spend less time mindlessly scrolling, but it’s definitely a work in progress!


Movement and Exercise

Engage in physical activities that get your body moving and your blood flowing. Physical movement can stimulate mental clarity and creative energy, whether it’s yoga, dance, or a brisk walk. I love walking by the ravine behind my home to take a break and enjoy the fresh air. I always return so much more invigorated!



If you’ve spent time on this site, you know how much I LOVE journaling. But you don’t just need to do prompted journaling. Keep a journal to capture fleeting thoughts, ideas, and inspirations. Write down your dreams, observations, and reflections, allowing them to serve as jumping off points for future creative endeavors.


And you don’t need to keep a physical journal. I use the Notes app on my phone to keep track of ideas for future blog posts, quotes, and random thoughts about my day.


Mind Mapping

Use mind-mapping techniques to organize your thoughts and ideas visually. Start with a central concept and branch out into related topics, exploring connections and associations along the way.


Gratitude Practice

Cultivate a gratitude practice to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate all the good things in your life, fostering a positive and receptive attitude towards creativity. If you find it helpful, write down some things you’re grateful for and keep the list handy for when you’re not feeling your best.


Affirmations for Creativity

In addition to the above strategies, I love using affirmations for creativity. Here are 30 affirmations that can help spark your creativity and open you up to new ideas.


1.     I am a vessel of unlimited creative potential.

2.     Creativity flows effortlessly through me.

3.     My mind is a boundless source of innovative ideas.

4.     Every challenge is an opportunity for creative expression.

5.     I trust in my ability to channel inspiration from within.

6.     I embrace the unique perspective I bring to every project.

7.     I release self-doubt and welcome creative confidence.

8.     Each moment is an invitation to explore new creative avenues.

9.     I am open to receiving inspiration from unexpected sources.

10.  My creativity knows no limits or boundaries.

11.  I honor my creative instincts and allow them to guide me.

12.  I am constantly evolving as a creative being.

13.  Creativity is my birthright, and I claim it with joy.

14.  I am worthy of expressing myself creatively in all areas of my life.

15.  I attract opportunities that nurture and expand my creativity.

16.  My imagination is a powerful tool for manifesting my dreams.

17.  I am capable of transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary works of art.

18.  I trust in the process of creative exploration and discovery.

19.  Every setback is a stepping stone to greater creativity.

20.  I am grateful for the gifts of inspiration that come my way.

21.  I infuse my work with passion, authenticity, and originality.

22.  My creative energy radiates positivity and inspires others.

23.  I celebrate my creative successes, big and small.

24.  I give myself permission to play and experiment without judgment.

25.  I am aligned with the universe, which supports my creative endeavors.

26.  I welcome challenges as opportunities to stretch my creative muscles.

27.  My creativity brings joy and fulfillment to both myself and others.

28.  I trust in the timing of my creative projects.

29.  I am a conduit for creative energy, bringing beauty and innovation into the world.

30.  With each breath, I invite creativity to flow freely through me, enriching my life and the lives of those around me.


Journal Prompts for Creativity

I firmly believe that journaling can help spark creativity when you’re struggling to find inspiration. While free journaling can be useful, I also enjoy using journal prompts for creativity. Here are 20 of my favorites.


1.     Describe a vivid dream you’ve had recently and imagine how you could turn it into a story, poem, or piece of artwork.

2.     If you could visit any place, real or imaginary, where would you go and what would you do there? Write about your adventures in detail.

3.     Reflect on a challenge you’ve faced recently and brainstorm creative solutions to overcome it.

4.     Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a different time period or alternate universe. What does this world look like? Who are the people you encounter?

5.     Make a list of five ordinary objects around you. Choose one and write a story or create a piece of art inspired by it.

6.     Write a letter to your future self, detailing your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. How do you envision your creative journey unfolding?

7.     Think of a favorite childhood memory. How can you reinterpret this memory in a creative way?

8.     Create a character sketch of someone you’ve encountered recently but don’t know well. Invent a backstory for them and imagine what their life is like.

9.     Look out the window and describe what you see in vivid detail. Use your observations as inspiration for a poem or short story.

10.  Make a list of five things you’re grateful for today. How can you express your gratitude creatively?

11.  Write a stream-of-consciousness journal entry for 10 minutes without stopping. Let your thoughts flow freely and see where they take you.

12.  Imagine you have a superpower. What is it, and how do you use it to make the world a better place?

13.  Choose a random word from the dictionary and write a story or poem inspired by it.

14.  Reflect on a mistake or failure you’ve experienced. How can you turn this setback into an opportunity for growth and creativity?

15.  Write a dialogue between two characters who have opposing viewpoints. Explore how their perspectives clash and how they might find common ground.

16.  Create a collage using images from magazines or newspapers. What story does the collage tell? Write about it in detail.

17.  Take a walk outside and pay attention to the sounds, smells, and sensations around you. Write a sensory poem capturing your experience.

18.  Imagine you’re a famous artist, writer, or inventor from history. What advice would you give to aspiring creatives today?

19.  Write a list of 10 things that make you feel alive and inspired. How can you incorporate more of these things into your daily life?

20.  Reflect on a recent moment of joy or wonder. How can you harness this feeling to fuel your creativity?


Final Thoughts

Incorporating these techniques, journal prompts, and affirmations for creativity into your daily routine can help you cultivate inspiration and confidently overcome creative blocks. Remember, creativity isn’t finite – limitless creativity is available to you, just waiting to be tapped.


How do you get your creative juices flowing? Let me know in the comments!

Sarah Glinski, RD

Sarah Glinski, RD is a registered dietitian, health and nutrition writer, and brand consultant. Her work focuses on simple tips for improving gut health and developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise.


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